Dear All, just to inform you, I’ve arrived home safely.
I had some enriching experience with fanatic cab driver who wanted to persuade me about criminality of interruption (long story how we got to this topic) and then some troubles at the airport. Well, not the real troubles but when I first time put my suitcase on the scale, display unveiled cruel truth: 30 kg (max. allowance being 23). The other one was exactly 23. I had to reorganize and put a lot of stuff to my carry on and all was fine, it just took me a while. Thank to that, some of you were saved from experience of tasting Canadian beer because I had to get rid of them. I had no problem in Toronto and CDG was just on time thank to earlier arrival and delayed departure – what a luck.
When I arrived to Prague, I was welcomed to my future housing – dorms and I enjoyed sweet home in form of great Pilsner Urquell, goulash, svíčková, pork&cabbage&dumplings etc. :-). Of course I’m missing all the great folks I got to know in Calgary:-(. I will now face reality going back to school right at the beginning of January. And that’s about it for now. I still wanna write some deeper reflection on my stay but that’s gonna come later...

When I arrived to Prague, I was welcomed to my future housing – dorms and I enjoyed sweet home in form of great Pilsner Urquell, goulash, svíčková, pork&cabbage&dumplings etc. :-). Of course I’m missing all the great folks I got to know in Calgary:-(. I will now face reality going back to school right at the beginning of January. And that’s about it for now. I still wanna write some deeper reflection on my stay but that’s gonna come later...