Vazeni spoluzaci, cerstva zprava z dnesniho rana hlasi, ze se na VSE rozjizdi squashova liga. Nepropasnete proto skvelou prilezitost doprat si pravidelny pohyb pri teto skvele hre a za vyborne ceny. Infoschuzka uz zitra (3.10.) odpoledne! Blizsi info zde.
A taky nepropasnete Frantu Medveda, mistra Zeleneho a pana Reformatora.
Pokud nekdo nevite co s volnymi kredity, doporucuji mimosemestralni kurz Prof. Davise.
A kdyby snad nekdo opravdu nevedel roupama coby, at si da kurz "Geschichte, Aufbau und wirtschaftliche Folgen der Systeme der sozialen Sicherung in der EU". No to je hnus velebnosti:-).
Geschichte, Aufbau und wirtschaftliche Folgen der Systeme der sozialen Sicherung in der EU
I didn't get the rest of your post - sorry still don't know any Czech, but apparently you'll learn useful German about the "Folgen des sozialen Sicherheitssystems ;-) - so what's the connection between that cue white thing (weasel?) in the photo and the EU security system?
Hi Barbara, I'm sorry for confusing you. There is absolutely no connection between that poor little weasel & EU social security system. "Geschichte, Aufbau ..." is a new block course offered at our Uni and I just informed my friends about possibility of taking it (just sarcastically, to be honest). You know how good "Deutsch Sprecher" I am... ;-)
The photo of weasel was added randomly just to make the post look happier.
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